Historian calls for more studies to prove existence of Buddhism in state
Islander unearths Buddhist relics
How I started
It was in 1996, when I first became interested in meditation. My husband was a good example for me.
Unesco, archaeology dept urged to save Buddhist stupa
Press Conference of the 2012 Nationwide Rain Retreat Ordination Program of 100,000 Monks
Committee of Department of Religious Affairs arranged the press conference of the 2012 Nationwide Rain Retreat Ordination Program of 100,000 Monks to celebrate the 2,600th Anniversary of the Enlightenment Day of the Lord Buddha.
The 100,000–Monk Summer Mass Ordination Nationwide Project 2011
Call for ban on animal killing fair
How I Proceeded
I use the mantra ‘Samma Arahang’ (which means ‘purify the mind’) repeating silently three times at each key point, until resting my mind at the seventh base.
Buddhist relics back to Song Dynasty found in East China
Buddhists filed a complaint of the art of Face-up Buddha
WFBY and Buddhist Networks filed the complaint letter to the German Embassy on July 2nd, 2013. We protest the show of Face-up Buddha in Munich, Germany.